The first show of ‘ra.one’ screened by Shah Rukh Khan for his close friends and crew has given big respite for the actor producer. Yes, the talk around B-town circles on the output of film is unanimously positive. SRK’s best friend Karan Johar has tweeted ‘I just saw RA1! Adrenalin pumping and the best computer graphics india has ever seen!!! Its a MEGA BLOCKBUSTER super hero ride!! OUTSTANDING.’

Unable to control his expressions Johar added, ‘The SFX team at red chillies and anubhav have proven that indian cinema can match and overtake the technology of the west!!! SRK is not only a mega movie star but every inch of his performance is conviction personified!!!’ While one more report claimed that ‘Iron Man’ visual effects are ‘nothing’ in front of ‘ra.one’ visual effects.

Good to see positive reviews coming up as the SRK’s magnum opus is to arrive in theatres tomorrow.

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