Super Star Rajnikanth’s next movie is ‘Rana’. The movie has been announced sometime back with much fanfare and the movie is being directed by K.S.Ravikumar. Deepika Padukone has been roped in to play the female lead. The movie’s shooting was halted because of Rajnikanth’s sudden illness but the superstar has fully recovered from the situation now.
However, news coming out from Chennai is that changes are being made to the script of Rana so that there is no undue physical strain on Rajnikanth. Lyricist Vairamuthu and director K.S.Ravikumar met with the superstar recently for a few hours to discuss the issue and the changes were reportedly finalized.
‘Rana’ has many expectations riding on it in the wake of the stupendous success of Rajni’s previous movie Robot.