Rajanna, the period flick starring King Akkineni Nagarjuna, was originally scheduled to arrive on September 30th. But the latest news from our sources points out at a possible delay in the release date. The movie is being directed by Vijayendra Prasad, father of ace director S.S.Rajamouli while Rajamouli himself is helming the action episodes.
The movie reportedly has some mega action scenes and involves highly technical post-production work. As a result, the movie is facing some unexpected delays. If Rajanna misses the September 30th deadline, it will be released after the third week of October.
Rajanna’s delay will turn into an unexpected blessing for Dookudu, which is releasing on September 23rd. Dookudu will then have a clear run of more than two weeks until October 6th when Oosaravelli will hit the screens.
Keep watching this space for more updates folks.