Balakrishna’s upcoming film Sri Rama Rajyam is currently under postproduction stage and he’s also shooting for Parachuri Murali’s film. He had also agreed to play a special role in Machu Manoj’s period film titled Uu Kodathara Ulikki Padathaara. Balakrishna will join the film’s shoot very soon, if the producer, Lakshmi Manchu’s updates are anything to go by.
She recently tweeted saying that she’s heading to Balakrishna’s house to get his approval for the look and costumes of UKUP. It’s probably the first time that Balakrishna has agreed to play a guest role in a film. Shekhar Raja is directing the film and the film’s shooting is currently going on in a special set built for the film in Manikonda. Deeksha Seth is the heroine. Bobo Sashi is composing the music.