Speaking at the audio launch of his forthcoming film Oosaravalli , NTR Jr said that as per the wishes of the audience the makers have made a new kind of cinema. Addressing the huge gathering of his fans and well wishers the charismatic star said “it is now your responsibility to give it the recognition it deserves.”.
The NTR Jr – Tamannah starrer is coming amidst high expectations. It is reported that NTR Jr had to put on and shed weight for multiple characterizations in the film. The star, by his usually safe status, can be said to be in the middle of a commercially dry spell at the box office. His last release, Brindavanam all but barely stayed afloat. The less than average performance of Mahesh’s Khaleja also helped. Now more than ever, Tollywood needs its major heroes to stand up and be counted.
The onslaught of dubbed films from across the border and their alarmingly high success rate is fast becoming an embarrassment for Tollywood’s stars and production houses. Oosaravalli might in all probability clash with Suriya’s “Seventh Sense”. All said and done, the coming 2 months will test the mettle of Tollywood heroes. Here is hoping that they stand up and deliver.