Media speculations on Paidipally Vamsy to direct a multi star film with Ramcharan and Allu Arjun are to take the back seat for time being. Yes, Vamsy who got a tremendous hit ‘Brindavanam’ with Junior NTR is not to direct Mega Heroes but his new project with nagarjuna for producer D. Siva Prasad Reddy is the fresh updates from Film Nagar. Story and scripting for the same is going on. Earlier director Surender Reddy was the name thought for Nag. As story line from Vamsy is known to have impressed the King, green signal was shown for script development. This project might start early next year as ‘Rajanna’ and ‘Damarukam’ are in pending from Nag’s side. One has to know, what will be the fate of Vamsy’s multi star film with young Mega Heroes for producer MLA Ganta Srinivas. |