Seductive temptress of small screen circuit is Waheeda. Her recent Kollywood venture ‘Anagarigam’ gave weak moments to many here in Tollywood. As the talk about this adult contented sex flick is highly discussed, here comes the time for a release of Telugu dubbed version titled as ‘Anagarikam.’ Along with Waheeda, other hot babe in film is Babylonia. ‘Story runs between the married life of a Lecturer Husband and Software Engineer Wife. All of sudden, one of the wife’s friend enters into husband’s life leading to an extra marital affair. Our film contains enough spice and masala with three hot heroines exposing to attract youth. ‘Anagarikam’ will release in November first half,’ said producer Nagaraju. So, the hot TV babe Waheeda is to offer a full feast through this big sex movie. |
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