In a first of its kind initiative in the Telugu film industry, the producers of Dookudu are reportedly approaching the High Court to tackle piracy of Prince Mahesh Babu’s upcoming high voltage entertainer Dookudu. Sources close to the producers inform us that the producers have approached a top lawyer to file a petition in the High Court to get a ‘John Doe’ order which would allow then to service cease and desist notices on movie pirates, pirating the film.
The John Doe order enforces Internet Service Providers to take all possible measures to ensure that the film isn’t pirated and it also covers people selling pirated DVDs and cable operators. A John Doe order is given against unidentified people, because the copyright owner doesn’t know who is going to infringe. A similar order was granted by the Delhi High Court after Reliance BIG Pictures filed a petition at the time of Ajay Devgan, Kajal Agarwal starrer Singham, couple of months ago.
The Producers have also identified 38 notorious and most dangerous piracy operators and have secured arrest warrants against them. The arrests will be made from today.
So far, producers had set up an anti-piracy cell where illegal copies of a particular film can be reported so that the anti-piracy officials can delete links and serve notices to those websites which have been posting the content. However, if the producers of Dookudu do manage to get a ‘John Doe’ order, the onus would be on the Internet Service Providers like Airtel, BSNL to block websites which post illegal content of that particular film. There’s also a buzz that producers of several other big budget films, which are releasing in October, are planning to approach the court to tackle piracy.
Dookudu is one of the most awaited films of the season and the buzz is quite positive about the film. The producers, Achanta Ram, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara are confident that the film will be a huge success. Srinu Vaitla has directed the film and Samantha is Mahesh Babu’s co-star. Thaman has composed the music for this film which is all set to release worldwide on September 23.