The expected has happened. Mahesh Babu’s stamina at BO remained in tact and the magic of ‘dookudu’ is making theatre owners and distributors keep their mouths widely opened with the first day collection reports. Our reliable sources from film industry says that, ‘dookudu’ first day collections are all time industry record breaking and have reached nearly Rs.9.0 Crores, an achievement alone possible for Prince Mahesh Babu. With strong positive mouth talk prevailing in mainly family audience, this weekend and following three weeks will see a Mela at ‘dookudu’ theatres. And for Fans, please stay tuned to CJ as we will bring you a detailed balance sheet of ‘dookudu’ for first day in next few hours. Anyways, confirmed that Mahesh Babu has reached the top chair in first day opening collections with ‘dookudu.’ |