Director Gautham Menon has finally found a replacement for hero Ram to play the lead in Telugu version of Tamil film ‘Neethane En Ponvasantham’ that is actually planned as a tri-lingual. Gautham has roped in nani of ‘Ashta Chemma’ fame to do the Telugu version. Gautham says, ‘nani is doing the Telugu version of my film. We have started filming with him already.’ Interestingly, nani played one of the leads in ‘Veppam’ produced by Gautham which is released in Telugua s ‘Sega.’ Gautham’s new is being simultaneously shot in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi with Jiiva, nani and Aditya Roy Kapur. As mentioned earlier Samanta who has worked with Gautham already in his earlier ventures is playing the female lead in all the three. This is second time romance between nani and Samanta after their outing for Rajamouli’s ‘Eega.’ |
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