The hottest news currently doing the rounds in Filmnagar is that Balakrishna’s film with Bellamkonda Suresh, which was titled ‘Hara Hara Mahadeva’, has been stopped. The movie was announced sometime back and B.Gopal was announced as the director.
While we are trying to get confirmation from the parties involved, reliable people from the industry have said that it is indeed the truth.The movie was announced with much fanfare sometime ago but looks like it has all come to naught now.
Fans also expressed their displeasure at the photos used during the launch as Balayya’s face was simply morphed onto images of Mammootty and Kamal Hassan. If the news of this movie’s cancellation is indeed confirmed, this will be the second Balayya-Belamkonda film in recent times to hit the shelves. Watch this space for more updates.